Localzone PAO (US/US/Palo Alto) smokeping node
US Mediacom IOWA (AS30036

2024-09-18 00:45:01 - Now

   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

 3 >                                                                                                            
4 >
5 >
6 >
7 >
8 >
9 > stlo-b4-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 47.861 ms47.876 ms47.806 ms47.844
10 > mediacom-ic-321432.ip.twelve99-cust.net ( 48.451 ms48.349 ms48.171 ms48.053
11 > po10.stlmo001cr1.mchsi.com ( 59.769 ms59.773 ms59.780 ms59.750
12 > po11.demia001cr1.mchsi.com ( 60.522 ms60.584 ms60.696 ms60.462
13 > 68-66-73-8.client.mchsi.com ( 60.316 ms60.288 ms60.351 ms60.373
14 >
15 >
16 >
17 > 173-26-26-139.client.mchsi.com ( 75.002 ms73.318 ms74.025 ms74.054

2024-09-17 14:45:01 - 2024-09-18 00:45:01

   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

 3 >                                                                                                            
4 >
5 >
6 >
7 >
8 > sjo-b23-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 2.895 ms2.817 ms2.408 ms2.420
9 > lax-b23-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 11.282 ms
10 > dls-bb2-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 40.208 ms40.101 ms39.918 ms39.873
11 > kanc-bb2-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 50.510 ms50.460 ms50.651 ms
12 > stlo-b4-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 54.996 ms54.898 ms
13 > mediacom-ic-321432.ip.twelve99-cust.net ( 55.592 ms55.374 ms55.529 ms55.232
14 > po10.stlmo001cr1.mchsi.com ( 66.727 ms66.778 ms66.759 ms66.847
15 > po11.demia001cr1.mchsi.com ( 67.689 ms67.607 ms67.658 ms67.728
16 > 68-66-73-8.client.mchsi.com ( 67.445 ms67.276 ms67.381 ms67.289
17 >
18 > 173-26-26-139.client.mchsi.com ( 73.781 ms

2024-09-14 00:15:01 - 2024-09-17 14:45:01

   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

 3 >                                                                                                            
4 >
5 >
6 >
7 >
8 > kanc-bb2-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 43.623 ms
9 > stlo-b4-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 48.007 ms47.938 ms48.038 ms48.025
10 > mediacom-ic-321432.ip.twelve99-cust.net ( 48.321 ms48.175 ms48.370 ms48.274
11 > po10.stlmo001cr1.mchsi.com ( 59.982 ms59.837 ms59.756 ms59.777
12 > po11.demia001cr1.mchsi.com ( 60.740 ms60.783 ms61.023 ms60.710
13 > 68-66-73-8.client.mchsi.com ( 60.319 ms60.326 ms60.390 ms60.571
14 >
15 >
16 >
17 > 173-26-26-139.client.mchsi.com ( 74.042 ms74.823 ms71.856 ms72.085

2024-09-14 00:00:01 - 2024-09-14 00:15:01

   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

 3 >                                                                                                            
4 >
5 >
6 >
7 >
8 >
9 > ( 47.921 ms47.911 ms47.932 ms47.970
10 > ( 48.575 ms48.444 ms48.048 ms48.327
11 > po10.stlmo001cr1.mchsi.com ( 59.842 ms59.893 ms59.867 ms59.851
12 > po11.demia001cr1.mchsi.com ( 60.835 ms61.297 ms60.508 ms60.890
13 > 68-66-73-8.client.mchsi.com ( 60.458 ms60.406 ms69.367 ms60.391
14 >
15 >
16 >
17 >
18 > 173-26-26-139.client.mchsi.com ( 75.188 ms75.675 ms75.890 ms73.842

2024-09-13 10:15:01 - 2024-09-14 00:00:01

   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

 3 >                                                                                                            
4 >
5 >
6 >
7 >
8 > kanc-bb2-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 43.623 ms
9 > stlo-b4-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 47.977 ms48.027 ms48.008 ms48.028
10 > mediacom-ic-321432.ip.twelve99-cust.net ( 48.351 ms48.127 ms48.612 ms48.578
11 > po10.stlmo001cr1.mchsi.com ( 59.846 ms59.836 ms59.829 ms59.877
12 > po11.demia001cr1.mchsi.com ( 60.756 ms60.633 ms60.821 ms60.786
13 > 68-66-73-8.client.mchsi.com ( 60.560 ms60.338 ms60.280 ms60.381
14 >
15 >
16 >
17 >
18 > 173-26-26-139.client.mchsi.com ( 75.676 ms76.195 ms75.586 ms73.589

2024-09-13 05:00:01 - 2024-09-13 10:15:01

   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

 3 >                                                                                                            
4 >
5 >
6 >
7 >
8 > kanc-bb2-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 43.546 ms43.174 ms
9 > stlo-b4-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 47.900 ms47.912 ms47.920 ms47.972
10 > mediacom-ic-321432.ip.twelve99-cust.net ( 48.515 ms48.132 ms48.627 ms48.674
11 > po10.stlmo001cr1.mchsi.com ( 60.938 ms60.853 ms60.898 ms60.915
12 > po5.chgil001cr1.mchsi.com ( 61.444 ms61.438 ms61.533 ms61.434
13 > po13.demia001cr1.mchsi.com ( 61.325 ms61.475 ms61.330 ms61.373
14 > 68-66-73-9.client.mchsi.com ( 61.627 ms61.674 ms61.731 ms61.621
15 > 68-66-73-8.client.mchsi.com ( 61.269 ms61.319 ms61.566 ms61.285
16 >
17 >
18 >
19 >
20 > 173-26-26-139.client.mchsi.com ( 78.099 ms77.148 ms76.003 ms75.993

2024-09-11 03:15:01 - 2024-09-13 05:00:01

   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

 3 >                                                                                                            
4 >
5 >
6 >
7 >
8 > kanc-bb2-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 43.590 ms
9 > stlo-b4-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 48.010 ms47.985 ms47.981 ms48.035
10 > mediacom-ic-321432.ip.twelve99-cust.net ( 48.287 ms48.492 ms48.607 ms48.551
11 > po10.stlmo001cr1.mchsi.com ( 59.912 ms59.866 ms59.841 ms59.856
12 > po11.demia001cr1.mchsi.com ( 60.852 ms60.639 ms60.947 ms60.718
13 > 68-66-73-8.client.mchsi.com ( 60.379 ms60.571 ms60.413 ms60.446
14 >
15 >
16 >
17 >
18 > 173-26-26-139.client.mchsi.com ( 75.214 ms75.249 ms74.533 ms73.313